Counseling (or with British spelling:counselling) is simply put: talking, discussing and exploring problems with a professional helper, a psychologist. It lasts about 3-5 sessions, it never goes beyond months or years. The counselor and client talk about an actual dilemma. They are looking at the problem from different angles, the psychologist tryes to help the client understand and process the problematic situation (which by the way, might be seen more objectively by the counselor).
As a psychologist I never give anyone direct advices (except if essential information is needed in a certain question). But I am giving a hand to seeing things from different perspectives, to arrive to your own decision. I can and would never make a decision on behalf of someone else! It is very important (although also very difficult sometimes) that the client be honest and brave enough to bring up difficult issues. If along our talks, counseling sessions I see that you would need a more thorough work, maybe psychotherapy, I reccomend that.
Unfortunately in Hungary, in Budapest there is almost no way of getting counseling in the state sector, people can get this kind of help (counseling) mainly in private practices.
In what cases is it useful to turn to counseling, to a psychologist?
- if there is a big change in your life and you have difficulties dealing with the situation;
- if you have lost someone you loved (death,divorce, break-up)
- if you or someone in your family is facing a serious diagnosis, illness
- if you feel you need to clearify things for yourself before a certain decision
- If you can’t relax, you feel overwhelmed because of stress
- If you are depressed, sad or feel tension, anxiety for some reason
- if your conflict with your spouse, partner or collegue is not getting anywhere etc.
What can you expect from counseling?
Very simply put: the problem changed, formed into a task. It is a process, where you’ll go through these phases:
- the problematic situation is being analysed;
- real needs are being formulated;
- proper solution emerges;
- problem solving starts.
In counseling the psychologist supports, encourages, corrects biasis with questions – this way help the client to explore new aspects, values. The client then starts to build and use his/her new information bulks and recent insights into his/her way of thinking, lifestyle - problemsolving gets on its way.